Friday, April 2, 2010

Check Me Out


–verb (used with object) utter suddenly or inadvertently; divulge impulsively ('blurted out')'s what I'll be doing here. That's right, I've rebranded as a verb-because that's what life is all about. Being, doing, saying...I'm so excited! You may be wondering-what kind of stuff am I going to be blurting out around here? Well you can never know for sure. I like the endless possibility angle. But to give you some sort of direction, I am going to give you a few peaks into what I will be talking about.

How about topics in the form of prizes? I love giving stuff away (hey, that's kind of a topic in and of itself)!

Because I love talking about kids and parenting, and completely plan on continuing to do so, I'm going to be giving away a handmade tutu dress, just like this tutu halter dress I made for Baby Bug as a part of her Halloween costume...

You'll be able to pick your own colors and length of course (I'm happy to make you a regular length tutu) and if you want flowers or not...whatever you think your little one would like best! The tutu dresses are a lot of fun for dress up, and I think they'd make a great birthday (or Christmas!) present too.

You know what else I like to talk about? Politics and pop culture. I am both a PoliSci major and a twenty-something so you probably saw that coming. In celebration of the awesomeness that is politics and pop culture (I'm going to call that "policulture") I'm going to give away a copy of Earth-The Book, which is written by our friends at The Daily Show.

[WARNING! In case you couldn't tell by the comedian sitting next to a chimp on the cover, this a comedic book, not a textbook. There is some material that is for adults only. If it were on TV it would seriously have all of the LVSDPDQ parental guidance ratings...but it's still awesome.]

So what else is there to talk about? How about all things nerd. It just comes naturally with the territory of me that you will run into geek activities-I have been known to listen to Weird Al while writing scripts for a website before closing out the day with a Firefly/Serenity marathon. The ring tones on my cell phone have been recently changed to songs from "Once More With Feeling" (the Buffy musical episode) and Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog, and nothing gets me more excited than a gadget!

It's nerdvana up in here, and I'll probably be talking about it in my blog so I figured, why not help you get your nerd on too? That's why I'm going to be giving away a $20 gift certificate to ThinkGeek, my all-time-favorite nerd spot on the interwebz. And lest you think you'll end up with a can opener, let me promise you-you can buy everything from t-shirts to interactive Star Trek Tribbles for $20 or less! [Which makes it another awesome Christmas idea! I've already picked out two of Hubby's presents from ThinkGeek.]

Of course, these things only begin to jump into all of the cool things I'm going to be talking about here on Blurted...but giving away some cool stuff is a pretty good first hop. If you want to win the prizes, you have two ways of going about it.

Option One: Take my new schmancy button! [See: Below] Put it on your page and leave a comment with a link to where you posted it and telling me what you want to win. After that you can get up to one entry a day just by leaving a comment! Also awesome: if someone stops by and leaves a comment telling me they found me through your site they'll get one entry and you will get an extra entry!! [unlimited extra entries after your first entry!]

<center><a href=""><img src=""></a></center>

Option Two: Tweet it! It works pretty much the same as above-if you Tweet @blurtedblog you'll get one entry! If someone RTs you they get an entry and you get an extra entry [unlimited extra entries!]

The giveaway will go for two weeks and then I will use Random.Org to go through all of the entries and select a winner for a special-super-top-secret giveaway prize (hints coming starting next Wednesday)!!!

I am so stoked to branch out and start a new direction, and give away some cool stuff while I'm at it! Good luck everybody!

P.S. My email address is changing too! You can now drop me a line at write(dot)blurted(at)gmail(dot)com.

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